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October 2024

Congratulations to Marcus Levy who won RAFA 4th level Contest and for Orion Song who got Honorary Mention in the last level of RAFA competition.

January 2024

Congratulations to Orion Song and Marcos Levy for winning the All District Auditions placed in 3rd and 5th chair.

November 2023

Congratulations to Evan Zhu and Orion Song . They won the Raleigh Area Flute Association Review and Contest in the levels of 6 and 7.



January 2022

Congratulations!!! to Evan Zhu that got into All District Auditions as a second chair, to Orion Song that got into All District auditions as a 4th chair. Also to Yitong  Zhang, she got into UNCG Honor Band as a second chair and to Surya Krishnamurti that got into UNCG as a 7th chair.

Well done everybody!


March 2021


To Maria Beisser, she got into All District Auditions chair 6th, to Yitong Zhang that got into All State with chair 4th, Evan Zhu got into All State with chair 3rd and Orion Song that got into All State with second chair. Amazing job all of you! I am very proud.

November 2020


To Maria Beisser, Eric Feng , they won First Prizes in the RAFA 2020 Review and Contest in division 5 and 3 respectively and to Surya Krishnamurthy and Evan Zhu that they got Honorable Mentions in division 4 and 3. Great Job everybody!!!

January 2020

Congratulations to Surya Krishnamurthy. Maria Bessier and Orion Song for getting in the All DIstrict Auditions for Middle School and High School and to Jake Branno, Carrie Li and Evan Zhu for getting an alternative chair in the same competition. Good job everybody!

November 2019

Congratulations to Yitong Zhang, Eric Feng and Surya Krishnamurthy, they all won Honorary mention at the Review and Contest from the Raleigh Area Flute Association.

Congratulations also to Surya Krishnamurthy, Evan Zhu, Jake Brannon,Carrie Ying and Orion Song for winning the All County Band.

January 2019

Congratulations! to Victoria Song and Maria Bessier, they were admitted as first and second chair respectively in the Annual Carolina Band Festival and Conductors Conference in UNC Greensboro

Congratulations! to Yitong Zhang , she won the second chair at All District Auditions for Middle School for the Central District.

November 2018

Congratulations! to Orion Song and Maria Bessier for winning first place and honorary mention in the RAFA Review and Contest.

March 2018

Congratulations! to Elise Deshusses, she was accepted at Governor's School

Congratulations to Eri Kakoki, she was admitted and participated in the Annual Carolina Band Festival and Conductors Conference in UNC Greensboro and to be in the finals of All State auditions and she will be participating in their clinic very soon.


March 2017

Congratulations!  to Eri Kakoki, she was accepted at Governor's School

Congratulations! to Victoria Song and Elise Deshusses  that were admitted and participated in the Annual Carolina Band Festival and Conductors Conference in UNC Greensboro

And also, not musical but very important event, Congratulations! to Megan Doherty for winning with her East High based Solar Panel Project group (Connor Diaz, Emily Liu and Michael Swers). She helped write the grant with the help of the sustainability coordinator for all of chccs. The grant pays for a 5kW solar panel system, a weather station, monitoring equipment and a curriculum and training for classes at East.  

November 6 th, 2016


Alexandra Krause won Honorary Prize at the most advance division of the Raleigh Area Flute Association Review and Contest! The only prize at that division! Brava!!!

Victoria Song won the first prize at the division 6 at the same competition.

Elisse Deshusses and Faith Joo won the first prices also at the same competition in division 5.

Megan Doherty won the first prize at division 4

Natasha Buchler Fosado won first prize at division 3 elementary!

Congratulations to Maria Beisser and Jake Wiener for winning the audition for the Orange-CHCCS All-County Band.

I am very proud of our studio! Great job! Keep enjoying music forever!

March 22nd, 2016.


CONGRATULATIONS to Stephanie Yao for been  the only flutist of the Central District accepted at the program at the Governor's School

March 26th, 2015


CONGRATULATIONS to Coefman's Studio Students Lucy Wu and Katie Huang for getting into the Governor's School!

And also to Katie Haung for winning the 4th place of All State Auditions!



March 1st, 2015


CONGRATULATIONS to Coefman's Studio Students Lucy Wu and Alexandra Krause for winning the first prize of the Durham Community Band. They are going to perform May 3rd at the Carolina Theater.  You are all invited! Bravo!


January 2015


CONGRATULATIONS to Coefman's Studio Students for their great achievements!

Katie Haung won 2nd place at NC Central District Auditions

Alexandra Krause won 9th place and Lucy Wu won 10th place. Also Lucy won the Easter Regional Orchestra audition.

And for the middle school NC Central District Auditions. Elise

Deshusses won the 5th place.





May 2014

CONGRATULATIONS to our three graduates: Chloe Deshusses, Koya Osada and Sarah Fordham.


January 2014

CONGRATULATIONS to Coefman's Studio Students for their great achievements!
Katie Huang won 4th place and Lucy Wu won 7th place at NC Central District Auditions for 9th and 10th grades.
Chloe Deshusses won 6th place and Skye Tracy won 9th place for 11th and 12 th grades.
And for the other participants that were awarded  very high positions at the auditions!

January 2013 

CONGRATULATIONS to Koya Osada  who  won first chair of Eastern Regional Orchestra. Also, to Chloe Deshusses for winning the second chair in the 11-12th grade honor band at the Carolina Band Festival and Conductors conference and  to Koya Osada and Skye Tracey for winning the NC Central District Auditions in High School in third and ninth places .  Congratulations also to Katie Huang  and Lucy Wu for winning the Middle School NC Central District Auditions in first and second place!

March 2012

Congratulations again to Chloe Deshusses and Koya Osada for winning the  NC State Auditions in third place and in fith place  for High School.

January 2012

Congratulations! to Koya Osada and Chloe Deshusses for winning the  NC Central District Auditions in High School  in second and third places and to Katie Huang for winning the Middle School NC Central District Auditions  in second place!

November 2011

Congratulations! Elise Deshusses and Yuyi Li won first place at the Raleigh Area Flute Assosciation Review and Contest Competition. And congratulations to all the students that worked very hard and compited as well. I am very proud of  all of you!

April 2011

Congratulations! Chloe Deshusses who  got a Superior in the RAFA's 7th Annual Solo/Ensemble Fest. Chloe competed in grade level D

March 2011

Congratulations! Yusheng Zhang and Arnav Subramanya for their first and  fifth place in the North Carolina 2011 Honor Band.

Jan 2011

Congratulations! to Koya Osada, Cloe Deshusses who were the only two ninth graders that got positions at the NC Central District Auditions and to Yusheng Zhang and Arnav Subramanya for their first and second prize at the Middle School level of NC All District Auditions . GREAT JOB!
Jan 2011. Congratulations! to Yusheng Zhang
He won the Durham Community Concert Band (DCCB),  as the
First Prize  Winner of our 2011 Youth Concerto Competition!  
He will perform with the DCCB on the Spring Concert on Sunday, April 3, 2011, in Baldwin Auditorium on the Duke University campus.

Nov 2010

Coefman Studio students won top prizes at RAFA competition
Koya Osada and Yusheng Zhang won the 6th and 4th Divisions, respectively, at the Raleigh Area Flute Association (RAFA) 2010  Competition

Jan 2010

Coefman Studio students won top prizes at middle-school band competitions
Koya Osada , Yusheng Zhang, and Chloe Deshusses were top-10 in the NC Central  District Audition, and Koya and Yusheng went to win first and second place, respectively, at the  NC All State Audition.

January 16th, 2016


Congratulations to Alexandra Krause, Katie Haung and Lucy Wu for the placements at the NC Central District Auditions and to Eri Hakoki and Jake Wiener for been alternates in the same audition.


Congratulations to Elise Deshusses for been accepted at the

27th Annual Carolina Band Festival and Conductors Conference
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

School of Music, Theatre and Dance.

Congratulations to Alexandra Krause, Lucy Wu and Stephanie Yao for winning a position at the the Easter Regional Orchestra audition.



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